July 12, 2015

This is our last (*sniff) challenge for the #tptsellerschallenge. I have learned so much and have so much more to add to my summer to do list! (Yes, we teachers do work during the summer!)

This last challenge was called "Follower Frenzy" in which we had to share about our newest friends!

 Here is my picture featuring 4 of the friendliest, most helpful, and inspiring people I have met on my beginning journey into this TPT world!
Angie from Glimmers of Learning  was the first person that I connected with on this journey. We both share a passion for young children. She has been so helpful with providing me feedback about my products and ideas. She is super friendly, knowledgeable, and has great ideas. Her feedback is kind, applicable, and very useful. I look forward to sharing thoughts and ideas and getting her suggestions and using her products in my classroom with my little learners!

Keri from My Speech Party is a speech and language pathologist who has helped me with feedback on my Terms of Use, pricing, and Thank You page in my products all while creating her products and packing for a trip to Vegas for the TPT Conference!

Sasha from Sasha's Creations and Things was asking for people who wanted to participate in her blog reveal with fun and giveaways. We connected when I shared one of my Cutting and Tracing activities with her to use as a giveaway item. She is very friendly and her blog looks great!

Lisa Markle has a TPT store called Lisa Markle Sparkles. She shares a passion for working with little learners too and is busy creating products that are teacher friendly and engaging for children. We have talked standards that we use to guide our products as well as shared ideas about selling our items on TPT as she has been selling longer than I have.

It has been a wonderful start to my journey and it's only just beginning! It's great to know you have great people on your side cheering you on and encouraging you to keep on going. Thank you ladies!

July 7, 2015

As I am learning more about the overwhelming yet exciting in's and out's of becoming a Teachers Pay Teacher Seller, it is time to address my Terms of Use! Commonly referred to TOU in the TPT world (Wow if that wasn't jargon I don' t know what is!).
I started out with a very basic terms of use and then after reading about what others were doing, I decided to update mine to better reflect and clarify my purpose in my products.
Here is a picture of what my first ever TOU looked like on my very first product I ever posted. (Still available for free if you are interested in downloading a fun 5 little Turkeys Poem.)

As you can see it started out very basic and simple. I thought it was enough to cover everything. As I was participating more in the #TPTSellersChallenge, a post came up from Amber with PeppyZestyTeacherista and this is what she posted:

I didn't realize it was such an important component! Time to make another summer goal and update my TOU. This my friends is where this exciting journey into the Land of TOU began.

The first part of my journey began as I was reading the feed that had developed on the TPT Seller Challenge facebook group. There were only 217 posts that I needed to look through! YIKES! I knew that with persistence, I could get through it. Somewhere within those 217 posts and counting, there has to be some jems!

The jems started popping up right away! Other sellers started posting pictures of what their TOU looked like, the layout, and the details. This was awesome! Especially for a visual person like myself! I started reading and the feed talked about creating both a credits page and an TOU page in whichever platform that is used frequently when creating products so you can easily access them and insert them into all your products.

I also read several TOU that all seemed to have the following in common for me to think about:
  • How many people can use this download? 
  • What is my licensing requirement?
  • How would I like others to gain access to this document?
  • Is posting online (blogs) okay? 
  • How will others know where the product came from? 
  • How would I like to be credited in others posts? 
  • Am I open to special permissions if they come up? 
  • Do I want my Terms of Use to be one page? 
  • What about the credits to the artists who helped me?
  • Where can I put my note showing my appreciation to buyer and my contact information?
I had a lot to think about, but once I got started I was on a roll! Since I am familiar with creating items in powerpoint, I created the TOU and credits page in powerpoint and made a template that I can go back to and make changes as I am updating. If you have not made a template in powerpoint before here is a quick tutorial as to how to do that. I use a MacBook Pro so these are geared to Mac users.

Step 1: Create your template and save it as you normally would.

Step 2: While in the document, click on “File”, then “Save As…” 
Step 3: Type in a name for your template. (I saved 2 templates, one in portrait and the other in landscape so I had the layout correct for whatever product I am making. 

Step 4: Select “Powerpoint Template (.potx)
Step 5: Select “Save”. It is now saved in your templates! 

             When you are ready to access your template these are the steps you can follow 
Step 1: Open up PowerPoint
Step 2: Click on “File” then on “New from Template”

Step 3: Click on “My Templates” then you will see all your templates you have created and saved. Select the one you would like to use then double click or highlight and select “choose” Now your template will appear ready for you to use or copy into an existing presentation.
Next, if you need to update your template, follow these steps for replacing the currently saved template with the updated template:

Step 1: Click on “file” then click on “Save As…”

Step 2: A window will pop stating that you already have a template with the same name. You will click “Replace” and it will set your template with the updated template. Save it as a template and as an image for quick and easy access. Don’t forget if you save as an image then later go and make changes to save your new image!

After several “Replace” options, examples from other sellers, a LOT of thinking, and adding my own flair, I finally have my completed TOU! What do you think?

I hope you found this useful! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

July 2015
A HUGE thank you to the following people for creating a Teachers Pay Teachers Challenge! This challenge has inspired me to learn more about creating products that other educators can use in their classrooms! It also inspired me to start a blog!
Peppy Zesty Teacherista
Sparkling in Second

Here is a copy of my first #tptsellerchallenge #makeovermadness


  1. Thank you for the shout out! I love your tutorial! I have a MacBook Pro too.

    1. You're very welcome! Thank you! I love my MacBook Pro, best thing ever! :)
